Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dub chords - small secret how to create it :)

Hello to all deep dub tech music freaks:)
Ok,.here's the story!!
First of all apology for my bad English,but you'll understand what I'm trying to say;)
Since I get a lot of questions on myspace Liquid Level's site about how my dub chords sound in this or that way,what kind of equipment I'm using to get this kind of sound,...well,I decide to share my revelation with you and reveal one part of my little secrets from time to time,..:))
Ok,to be honest I prefer more hardware equipment because turning filter or oscillator knobs in real is more enjoyable feeling and you're in real contact with machine,actually you become part of machine as much it become a part of you too ;)
Anyway, for all friends they ask me questions about the hardware,here's my gear list:
  • Korg Z1,.multi oscillator synthesizer,very powerful synth,most of my chords comes from this toy ;)
  • Emu e 5000 Ultra with 10 outputs expansion board + lots of upgrades too,this sampler has fantastic 4,6 pole filters which are amazing and lots of other options for sound manipulation,..don't wanna go into more details (see emu website for more info,..)
  • Yamaha 01W 16 channel digital mixer,..:)
  • Virus Access C digital analog synthesizer,..think you all know what I'm talking about ;)
Here's few sample dub chords used in Liquid Level rmx for The Nautilus Project,...finally Marcus I found the time to put it on net,..I'm so sorry for this big delay ;))